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    Eye to Eye 結果共16筆

  • Vision health declines with age in Taipei’s young students

    In Taipei City, a study reveals an increasing trend of poor vision among elementary and junior high students with age, with first graders showing a 25.9% rate, escalating to 77.4% in ninth graders. Female students exhibit higher rates of poor vision compared to males. Despite a slight decrease in elementary students and a minor increase among junior high students in the 2023 academic year, overall vision health has improved since 2014, attributed to the city’s efforts in annual professional vision screenings and promoting eye care awareness. The study also notes differences in vision health across school types, with public elementary schools and private junior high schools showing the highest rates of poor vision.
    2024/04/10 15:39
  • Taiwan faces frigid weather in 8 regions: CWA

    Stay informed about the impact of a continental cold wave hitting Taiwan, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Expect temperatures to drop significantly, with some areas potentially reaching below 10 degrees Celsius. Weather expert Lin Te-en warns of a possible transformation of the cold air mass into a cold stream, affecting various regions. Keep an eye on the north, northeast, and east for temperatures not exceeding 18 degrees Celsius, while the south and central regions may experience slightly warmer weather. Prepare for the strongest impact tonight until Saturday morning, with temperatures possibly plummeting further. Stay updated as temperatures are forecasted to rise temporarily on Sunday before declining again on Monday.
    2024/03/08 11:58
  • Taiwan braces for sudden heatwave before chilly plunge

    Stay informed about the fluctuating weather in Taiwan this week. A heatwave is expected on Tuesday, with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius before plummeting to as low as 10 degrees in some areas by the weekend. Meteorologist Wu Der-rong warns of a cold air mass from China bringing rain and significantly colder temperatures. Keep an eye on the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts for the latest updates.
    2024/03/05 10:47
  • U.S. keeps watchful eye on China-Taiwan maritime dispute

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) calls for China to heed U.S. calls for restraint amid tensions in the Kinmen-Xiamen marine dispute. Tensions escalated after a fatal incident involving a Chinese speedboat in Kinmen’s maritime territory. The DPP affirms Taiwan’s stance against unilateral changes by China. U.S. State Department spokesperson and DPP urge restraint, while Taiwan defends its actions as lawful.
    2024/02/21 18:04
  • 獨/籃球女神認愛導演男友! 羞喊「談戀愛很健康」甜蜜全說了

    2024/02/21 12:09
  • 專訪/女團「Me&」揭出道艱辛內幕 她崩潰哭認:不想跳了

    由Feanna、Vian及Mandy組成的香港女團「Me&」,2023年底正式宣布出道,並推出首支單曲〈EYE TO EYE〉,日前她們接受《TVBS新聞網》線上專訪,談及成軍以及培訓內幕,Feanna自爆沒有跳舞底子,從零開始學起,每天跳到懷疑人生,甚至體能訓練也跟不上,數度打給朋友哭訴,也曾和Mandy哭喊「我真的不想跳了」,雙方還因此小爭吵。
    2024/02/21 11:06
  • Taiwan enjoys warm weather as south winds prevail

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast for Taipei and Taiwan. Expect clear skies with brief showers in select areas, as temperatures range from 26 to 32 degrees Celsius. Anticipate stable weather conditions due to an "Anticyclone Reverse Flow System," with potential fog in western regions. Prepare for short-lived rainfall from Thursday to next Tuesday, followed by a surge in cloud cover and cooler temperatures. Keep an eye on the weather reports for the most accurate updates.
    2024/02/20 10:19
  • Taiwan gymnasts eye Olympic glory at Paris summer games

    Taiwan’s gymnastics team coach, Lin Yu-hsin, expressed confidence in the medal prospects of Tang Chia-hung and Olympic silver medalist Lee Chih-kai for the upcoming Paris Summer Olympics. The Taiwanese gymnasts recently visited the Accor Arena, the recognized gymnastics venue, and Lin confirmed that the warm-up venue adheres to global standards. Although no Taiwanese athlete has secured qualification yet, Lin believes that Lee’s performance in pommel horse, Tang’s performance in horizontal bar, and Lin Kuan-yi’s performance in rings could earn them a place in the Olympics and potentially podium finishes. The Accor Arena has hosted various sports events since 1984 and underwent recent renovations. Taiwan plans to send six participants, including Lee Chih-kai, Hsiao Yu-jan, Tang Chia-hung, Hung Yuan-hsi, Lin Kuan-yi, and Tseng Wei-sheng. Lin emphasized the importance of sending strong individual contestants focused on health to secure points. Lee Chih-kai and Tang Chia-hung, both recognized for their skilled performances and reputation, are expected to easily qualify due to their prime age.
    2024/01/17 10:23
  • Taiwan Railway boosts service for Lunar New Year rush

    The Taiwan Railway Corporation (formerly, the TRA) plans to increase train schedules from Feb. 6-15 to meet Lunar New Year travel demand. This will include adding 234 train runs across all lines, resulting in a 6% capacity increase. Compared to the 2023 Lunar New Year holiday, an average of 7,994 seats per day will be added, increasing the seat-kilometer capacity by 791,645.
    2024/01/04 15:15
  • Excessive screen time contributes to Myopia surge in Taiwan

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on Taiwanese students’ eyesight, with 81.61% of high-school students, 73.16% of junior high school students, and 45.23% of elementary students experiencing poor eyesight in the 2022-2023 academic year. Excessive use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of myopia, the most common eye condition among children. A survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2019 found that the average age at which children own their first phone is ten. Ophthalmologists warn that individuals with myopia over 500 degrees are three times more likely to develop glaucoma and 5.5 times more likely to develop cataracts compared to their peers. The risks escalate for those with myopia over 700 degrees, as they are 44 times more likely to experience retinal detachment and 127 times more likely to suffer macular degeneration. Even successful myopia laser correction does not eliminate the potential risks of ocular diseases, as thinning of eye tissues and elongation of the eye axis persist. The golden period for myopia control is considered to be between 3 to 18 years of age, and various strategies such as increased outdoor activities, the use of mydriatic agents, Orthokeratology, daily disposable contact lenses designed for myopia control, and the latest children’s vision management lenses can be employed. These alarming rates highlight the urgent need to strike a balance between technology use and effective prevention strategies and early treatment for Taiwanese children.
    2024/01/03 20:06
  • Kaohsiung landmarks to light up in yellow

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the Kaohsiung Music Center and the Eye of Gangshan will be illuminated with therapeutic yellow lights every evening from 6 p.m. to midnight, starting on December 25, 2023, until January 26, 2024. Speculation has arisen online about the return of the yellow rubber duck exhibition to Kaohsiung, as "yellow circles" have been spotted around the city. The giant floating duck was initially displayed in 2013 and drew approximately 3.9 million visitors in a single month, boosting the city’s economy by generating nearly NT$1 billion in business opportunities. Mayor Chen has not confirmed the duck’s return but expressed the municipal team’s commitment to bringing progress and joy to the citizens.
    2023/12/26 11:17
  • Taiwan trusts eye bullish market outlook with zero-fee funds

    Investment trust companies in Taiwan, such as Jih Sun Investment Trust, Yuanta Investment Trust, Allianz Investment Trust, Taishin Investment Trust, First Investment Trust, and Cathay Investment Trust, are currently offering time-limited promotions that waive fund handling fees. These promotions, aimed at taking advantage of a bullish global financial market, include 0% transaction fees for regular savings plans and single payments. By focusing on Taiwan stock funds and funds invested in Vietnam, global industries, technology, and multi-asset classes, these companies are providing investors with opportunities to reduce investment costs. With an estimated profit of NT$3.4 trillion for Taiwan’s listed companies in 2024, a potential growth of 10% to 20% compared to 2023, and strong performance expected in the fourth quarter, the investment landscape in Taiwan looks promising.
    2023/12/12 11:48
  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • 女團出道收震撼教育「狂操40小時」 突發狀況連發傻眼了

    由Feanna、Vian及Mandy組成的香港女團「Me&」,2023年底正式宣布出道,並推出首支單曲〈EYE TO EYE〉,單曲及MV遠赴韓國打造,MV狂拍逾40個小時才收工,3位團員還穿上長袖及雪靴跳舞,拍到滿身大汗外,還遇到裙子破掉、耳環掉落等突發狀況,笑說經歷了震撼教育。
    2023/11/17 12:21
  • Terry Gou urges support for presidential race on Facebook

    Terry Gou, an independent presidential candidate in Taiwan, is calling for public support in the upcoming election. With only six days left to collect enough signatures to secure a spot on the ballot, Gou has been absent from the public eye for six consecutive days. In a Facebook post, he outlined his political philosophy centered on "peace," "prosperity," and "integrity," claiming to embody the spirit of a venture entrepreneur who values professionalism, organization, and fearlessness. Gou aims to build a Republic of China representing these principles and warns of potential chaos if no changes are made to the current power structure. He has set up signature collection stations across Taiwan and encourages the public to share his posts and invite friends to endorse his campaign.
    2023/10/28 17:53
  • Taipei, New Taipei mayors eye 2025 World Masters Games boost

    Taipei and New Taipei mayors aim to boost sports and tourism in Taiwan through the 2025 World Masters Games. The event, expected to draw 40,000 participants from 110 countries, promises to promote not only sports but also tourism, transportation, sustainability, and digital development. Registration opens in February next year.
    2023/09/12 16:50
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